December 16

Scripture focus:
"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do…What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God – through Jesus Christ our Lord!" Romans 7:15, 24

How wretched are you? Wretched enough to cheat on your spouse? Wretched enough to spend more than you make? Wretched enough to love the darkness more than the light? Wretched living is not a lifestyle that makes the wretched person terminally unique. Humans behave wretchedly.

The incredibly unique thing about wretchedness as it relates to spiritual renewal is that Jesus rescues the wretched. I don't know what duplicitous actions you might be hiding in your closet of shame, but I know this: you can be rescued from this body of death through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thanks be to God.

Recommended reading: Hebrews 1 - 6

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NorthStar Community

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"a man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks he becomes." "truth is not to be found by anybody who has not got an abundant sense of humility." for me, G-d is like a blacksmith; i was in desperate need of humility, and didn't have enough humility to know i was seriously deficient. i was just a piece of scrap metal, wretched/useless/full of imperfections. G-d has heated me in Hie refining fire innumerable times, and has taken me out each time just before i would have melted. holding me with His tongs, He has placed me on his anvil and pounded away with His hammer. then He has cooled me in His still waters. this process has been repeated over and over, very much like 'Ground Hog Day', for decades. at North Star, more and more, i see the imperfections he has wanted to remove from me, and with the aid of those i share a hut with i am able to speak of my wretchedness and let Him change me. "there is no happiness like truth, no misery like untruth. i'm sure i have many imperfections yet to see; nevertheless i am finding peace as the untruth is brought out in the open. a.'nanny'mouse

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