Day 6 - A Necessary Step

Scripture focus:
We use our powerful God-tools for smashing warped philosophies, tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God, fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shaped by Christ. Our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity. 2 Corinthians 10:5 The Message

One of the best and most powerful God-tools I know of is other people. Not all people qualify as a God-tool. Usually I find the most help from people who have experience with the same kind of suffering I'm experiencing and they are spiritually aware and awake. I don't know how Dr. Jampolsky chose a trusted advisor, but he did reveal in his book that he made sure they had experience with anger. His story continues…

"I could no longer avoid responsibility by saying that 'everybody gets angry sometimes.' Finally, with help, I saw…." (Healing the Addictive Personality, by Dr. Lee Jampolsky, pp. 56) Eventually, Jampolsky concludes that there are two ways we communicate: 1) Extending understanding and compassion and 2) calling out for understanding and compassion. In case this isn't obvious, he thinks option two is a dead end street. He says that cry can get ugly, because at its core – a cry asking for understanding and compassion is a cry uttered in fear.

He continues with a point of clarification. He states clearly that stating how we feel is very important, and breaks down walls. But stating how we feel in an attempt to get someone or something outside ourselves to make us feel better is futile.

People can help us see where our appetites, emotions and personality have taken us down a slippery slope. But only God can heal the wounded heart that longs to slide down the slope of loose thinking, emoting and impulsivity.

Recommended reading
: Exodus 16-18

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