June 4

Scripture focus:
So, my friends, this is something like what has taken place with you. When Christ died he took that entire rule-dominated way of life down with him and left it in the tomb, leaving you free to "marry" a resurrection life and bear "offspring" of faith for God. For as long as we lived that old way of life, doing whatever we felt we could get away with, sin was calling most of the shots as the old law code hemmed us in. And this made us all the more rebellious. In the end, all we had to show for it was miscarriages and stillbirths. But now that we're no longer shackled to that domineering mate of sin, and out from under all those oppressive regulations and fine print, we're free to live a new life in the freedom of God. Romans 7:4-6 The Message

Eventually, in spite of our best efforts, our addictions can no longer be repressed or denied. But have no fear – there are more tools in our belt to avoid solving the problem. We can rationalize, make excuses, and attempt to justify our shackles. Although others might call us “liars” – what’s really going on is a vain attempt to convince ourselves that if we have a problem, it certainly cannot be related to our addiction. This is like wearing prison cuffs and calling them cool designer accessories.

Why all this elaborate meandering away from the truth? Because when we are addicted, our driving motivation is always the desire to continue “using.” This increases our internal distress and alienation from self. There is a heavy price to pay for losing touch with our true selves.

Are you in a restful state, or a state of restlessness? Could it be that there is a dependency that is unidentified that is having its way with you?

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I Might be Wrong said...

for me my vain attempt was if I did not have this or that addiction I would not have these problems. Entering recovery and sheding addictions " I not using and life is not getting better". I may not have been "using" from the addiction that brought me to recovery, I was "using". It is amazing how many things can be "used" to keep us from the truth. I thought for a long time that my addiction was the prison cuffs and my problems were the designer accessories. It turns out for me that my "issues" were the cuffs and my addictions were the designer accessories."There is a heavy price to pay for losing touch with our true selves." Thank God for amends as I was not the only one paying when I was lost.I pray that I am true to who he created me to be, that by knowing who I am I can continue to lose the accessories that keep me from the truth about my self. God Bless Yall

Anonymous said...

Many times I've heard the phrase that alcohol is not the disease, it's a symptom of the disease. DIS-EASE. I am working on just that...not being uncomfortable if I'm not moving. Finding EASE in Him. I have had a long walk with Him and He has certainly carried me along the way...it's time I really talk to Him, let Him talk to me and get to know Him better. We've seen "Footprints" where the follower asks in essence, "Where were you when I needed you" and Jesus responds that it was in those times that He carried the follower. I have NO doubts that this has happened throughout my life. On the other hand, I also know that there were times when there were but one set of prints, but backing up a little would show where MINE veered off into the water or back to the beach, not even giving Him the chance to carry me...though that is exactly what He wanted to do. It is time that I allow Him to carry me and that I stop being so busy finding DIS-EASE that I miss the time on the walk with Him, whether beside Him or in His arms. God bless.

Anonymous said...

A dependency that is unidentified? Ummm. One that we don't know about, or one that we don't want anyone else to know about? I think for me it is one that I have been really really good at hiding.

Anonymous said...

For me, a loner drinker, I think the hiding added "romance". Darkness cannot live in the light, so I think that the hiding was in many ways absence of light. When we confess, stop hiding (everything...including ourselves), and find honesty, we can begin to be dependent...on Him.

Anonymous said...

hahaha the one we think no one else knows about. Thats a hoot as we are usually the last ones to know we are addicted. Thats what the wonderful gift of denial does for us. We delude ourselves into thinking we are doing a good job of hiding our soul sickness. In addiction our thinking gets us there and in recovery the collected wisdom of God through others, only once we admit our failure gets us free. Sadly most do not recover as the rooms are full of folks passing through.

It might take suffering like we have never suffered to bring about our willingness to admit defeat. Only then was I motivated into the change process. Then I had to figure out what my willingness to go to any length looked like as I knew through experience that half measures would avail me nothing.

What was I willing to let go of? As it turned out I was willing to let go of everything and rolled the dice of disclosure in a general way to spoucy and flew off to treatment. Fear of loss was standing in the way of getting help. Got to laugh today as the only thing I lost was a job I didn't want and gained everything including relationship with the living God and life like I have never experienced before.

An AMAZING life. Thank you Jesus.

Anonymous said...

You told my story too. Once we fully surrender by putting it all out there for public view, then we can begin again. I think only then. The half measures availed me nothing also, prior to the full disclosure and repentance.

There was always something that was "just mine" which I seemed to turn to in relapse. And yes, I was the one that no one knew about and everyone knew about. I was so smart, as all of us who think we're getting away with something believe. Joke's on us.

There is a complete relief in complete surrender and you're so right...I had to be completely at the end of myself to let go of everything. Pride is one of the deadliest when it comes to addiction in my opinion. We must become nothing so that He can become all.

In Him.

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