Day 1 - Wake up and recover your life

Scripture focus: God's message: "Heaven's my throne, earth is my footstool. What sort of house could you build for me? What holiday spot reserve for me? I made all this! I own all this!" God's decree. Isaiah 66:1-2 (The Message)

Erwin McManus has written a book called Wide Awake. In this book he asks a question – what would the world look like if the future of our planet was dependent upon our dreams? Would our dreams, if fulfilled, create a better world and an awesome future? This month our devotional time will focus on learning what it means to trust God when he tells us that he desires for us to recover our life – and our dreams.

If you are interested in considering God's ways, you might want to read the thirty-seventh chapter of the book of Ezekiel – where God breathes new life into old, dry bones. It's an amazing story.

Can you imagine what would happen if we trusted God to breathe into the old, dry, dead spots in our own lives?

McManus says that not all our dreams will come true. But no dream will come true that is discarded.

I wonder, do you dream? I'm encouraged to hear McManus tell us that dreams and imagination are the place where God often has conversations with his people.

We will never achieve that which we cannot first imagine.

Dream big.

Recommended reading: Numbers 1 – 3

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