October 17

Scripture focus: "These words I speak to you are not incidental additions to your life, homeowner improvements to your standard of living. They are foundational words, words to build a life on. If you work these words into your life, you are like a smart carpenter who built his house on solid rock. Rain poured down, the river flooded, a tornado hit—but nothing moved that house. It was fixed to the rock. But if you just use my words in Bible studies and don't work them into your life, you are like a stupid carpenter who built his house on the sandy beach. When a storm rolled in and the waves came up, it collapsed like a house of cards." Matthew 7:24-27

If God isn’t requiring that we become excellent at carpentry, what is he asking us to take responsibility for in the spiritual renewal process?

God asks us to believe in the one he has sent.

What does God want us to believe about the one he has sent? For starters, two things:

· Jesus is fully prepared to share his smarts with us.

· Jesus provides everything we need for a renovated life.

Jesus tells us that using his words in Bible studies without working them into our lives is foolishness. But he doesn’t leave us to our own devices either. He is fully prepared to heal, transform and create us.

We have a job to do, but it may not be the one we’ve assumed.

Recommended reading: Psalm 113-115

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NorthStar Community


Kathy said...

How do we know what that job is, and if we don't know, how do we find out?

Hzjewl said...

The Lord will use circumstances to lead you to an opportunity that only you are qualified to do. It will leave you with a sense of peace that you are where you should be.

Be blessed and be open to all God has for you.

Build relationship said...

HE has things planned for you even before you were here. Our stubburn resistance to HIM can keep the miricle from happening. While engauging in prideful willful living HE set HIS face against me and set up stumbling blocks. After 49 years willful living I was worn down, had become weak in spirit and finally willing to surrender to HIS will. So with that I dug in reading, fellowshipping, prayfully wanting to know what HIS will was for me and during the process of me building relationship with HIM it started becoming clearer.

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