Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World
Day 190 – Week 28 – He came, so that we might LIVE

Scripture focus: But I came that they might have, keep, and constantly retain a vitality, gusto, vigor, and zest for living that springs up from deep down inside. Rick Renner’s amplified translation of John 10:10

Jesus says, “I came that they might have, keep, and constantly retain –
· Vitality
· Gusto
· Vigor and
· Zest for living”….

What is the source of this vitality, gusto, vigor and zest for living?
Ø Is it found in pleasing circumstances? Nope.
Ø Is it found in harmonious relationships? Good guess, but no again!
Ø Is it found in physical health? That helps – but no.
Ø Is it found in financial stability? No.
Ø Is it found in material possessions? Nope.
Ø Is it found in getting our own way? Nah.
Ø Is it found in the perfect job? Nope.
Ø Is it found in the perfect spouse? Sad but true – no it is not!
Ø Is it found in the perfect kids? Absolutely not.
Ø Is it found in high levels of excellent performance and achievement?

Thankfully, no.

Ø Is it found in the acquisition of our favorite toys and gadgets? Nope.
So what is the source?

…”that springs up from deep down inside.”

People who consistently experience vitality, gusto, vigor and zest for living are people with big hearts. Jesus came to give us a big heart. It’s my prayer that we accept his offer for help. This help will show up not so much in the acquisition of things, but in the renovation of the heart.

And I’m shooting straight with you here – every other road we take trying to acquire vim, vigor and vitality – if walked independently of God – will disappoint.

Recommended reading: 1 Chronicles 6 and 7 in the morning; Acts 26 and Psalm 1 in the evening

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