Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Day 204 – Week 30 – Spiritual food

Scripture focus: The Lord our God has secrets known to no one. We are not accountable for them, but we and our children are accountable forever for all that he has revealed to us…Deuteronomy 29:29

God is mysterious. And so are we. It’s tempting to focus on the unknown, strange, and barely believable. We search for meaning and seek answers to our existential questions. But what if…we could end up in a healthier and happier spot by changing our endless quest for the mysterious, and spend at least as much energy on the basics?

Let’s talk food. It matters what we eat. I’m not referring to calories and carbs, weight and body fat measurements. Eating and spirituality are intimately related. What we eat, when we eat it, and why we choose it -actually affects our emotional temperature. Proper nutrition is like fuel for the brain – and we all know how important a fully functioning brain is for wellness!

“Eating…is a highly emotional and metacognitive event. Your large and small intestines are densely lined with neuropeptides and receptors, all busily exchanging information laden with emotional content. The pancreas releases at least twenty different emotionally-laden peptides that regulate the assimilation and storage of nutrients, all carrying information about being full or hungry. Do not ignore the information these peptides provide…You need to eat well to feed your brain properly. Who Switched Off My Brain?

If life seems blah, if your brain feels as fuzzy as unbrushed teeth – it’s possible that your brain is nutritionally anemic. Since our culture is absolutely obsessed with body image, it is easy to find books on nutrition. Nutritionists can teach us how to eat reasonably well – this isn’t secret information. No matter what else is going on with you, you can choose to start feeding your body yummy nutrients. Your emotional and energy doldrums may have less to do with mysterious spiritual maladies and unresolved issues than you think. You may need to simply put the Twinkies down and rustle up some grilled veggies, salmon and brown rice!

Recommended reading: 2 Chronicles 5 and 6 in the morning; Romans 8 and Psalm 18 in the evening

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