Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Day 212 – Inventory the Garden

Scripture focus: He gave his life to free us from every kind of sin, to cleanse us, and to make us his very own people, totally committed to doing good deeds. Titus 2:14 NLT

My neighbor, the gardening expert, often steps out in the cool of the evening and surveys her handiwork. In the winter, she inventories her garden. She plans what to keep, and what to prune. She researches new plants. In essence, my friend is always inventorying her garden. And we need to do the same. Let’s get started!

§ It matters to God how we speak. (For further conviction on this topic – read James 3.) How we speak even affects our brain! “The words you speak feed back into the magic trees of the mind, reinforcing the memory they came from. When you make negative statements, you release negative chemicals. These lead to negative memories that grow stronger and become negative strongholds that control your attitude and life.” Who Switched Off My Brain? p. 115

§ It matters to God that we take personal responsibility. (See Matthew 5-7.) Again, our ability to take personal responsibility for what we think, feel, worry about, etc. strengthens our brain. We can’t be sloppy thinkers or half-hearted “rememberers” – we need to stay fully engaged and present in our own lives! “Your individuality implies and carries with it the taking of responsibility for your actions: you must consciously force the meta-cognitive and cognitive levels to interact. You can do this by consciously thinking about what is in your mind which allows you literally to access the body-mind network where the memories are stored and redirect it.” Who Switched Off My Brain? pp. 119-120

§ It matters to God that we learn how to forgive others – and self. Ongoing results of the “Forgiveness Study” by researchers at the University of Wisconsin found that those who develop an ability to forgive, have greater control over their emotions and are significantly less angry, upset and hurt, and consequently much healthier. Who Switched Off My Brain? p. 123

§ It matters to God how we love Him, others and even self! Of course we know this is true! But I’m challenging us to think about how we’re carrying out the command! It’s not okay to come to church and nod an assent, and then treat the guy serving you your lunch rudely. “When you experience God’s love and the love of people, your heart speeds up its communication with the mind and body through the blood flow.” Who Switched Off My Brain? p. 126

How’s your garden growing?

Recommended reading: 2 Chronicles 23 and 24 in the morning; 2 Chronicles 25 and Romans 13 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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