February 10

Scripture focus:
Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you. 2 Corinthians 5:16-20 MSG

For the next few days, we’re going to use the emails of our friends brave enough to share them with us, and have a brief conversation about each one. I hope you will be encouraged by their stories.

“I have a lot of secret sins. I wish you’d stop talking about sharing our secrets and confessing. This makes me feel uncomfortable. My secrets don’t hurt anyone, why do you keep harping on this? In my community, I am a well known, influential person. If I shared my secret life, my reputation would be tarnished. Are you freaking crazy? There is nothing wrong with having a little privacy. Oh, and by the way, I’m an elder in my church – so don’t think I’m not religious. I normally love your content and quote you often. But this time you’ve gone too far. No one really lives like this. ”

This email triggered a week long dialogue that started with a question from me: “How would you feel if your secret sin was suddenly made public? Would you be ok with that?”

Response: “That would be the ruination of me; I would die.”

My response: “Unfortunately, you would not die. You would have to live with the exposure (ask the Governor of South Carolina, Tiger Woods, Elliott Spitzer, etc. if you doubt me). We like to think that our secret sins are indeed secret. But this is rarely true in this world, and certainly not true in the next. Do you often worry about exposure?”

Response: “Only when you make me think about it!!”

My response: “Oh come on. Don’t kid a kidder. You’ve had some close calls with exposure, right? And didn’t you freak out and promise yourself to clean up your act if you didn’t get caught?”

Response: “Yes. Busted.”

My response: “Think about this. What you are currently calling freedom and the right to privacy is really bondage in disguise and supported by your propensity to reside in the land of denial. The enemy has you in his sights. If you had a safe way to come clean and live up to your reputation, not just do a good job with appearance management, would you have a better, more purposeful life? Honestly, do you like the guy that people think you are? Or do you like your secret dark self better?”

Response: “I like the guy that people think I am.”

My response: “Then get the help you need, find the community that can support you, allow God’s grace and mercy to heal you – and be that guy. Independently of God, you can’t do it. But with God, all things are possible. But it’s a process, and it starts with you getting honest about how you’re living today.”

Response: “Of course you are right. I will follow through today.” JUST KIDDING!!!! We’re still in conversation about this - both of us trusting God with the results. My friend feels pretty discouraged at the moment. I’m kind of excited to see where he’s headed. I’m really excited to see where we are all headed as we seek God with all our hearts.

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© Copyright 2010 NorthStar Community


I Might be Wrong said...

I jumped at this email pretty quick a couple days back. As I read todays response and reply, I realize I have worn both pairs of shoes. I have lived life holding on to what eats my soul as long and as hard as I can. I have been the one to try and help someone let go and let God. I admit at times I still can find myself in either pair of shoes. Today I have a community who will say "man those shoes look like they are hurting your feet" or "Cool Shoes". Either way it is up to me today which "shoes" I wear.It is my conversations with Him when I let Him choose, I seem to find the coolest shoes in just my size. Your friend will be in my prayers cause I have been where he stands. I can tell you the tools Teresa gives will work with surrender, trust and a will not your own. Northstar teaches us to reframe "That would be the ruination of me; I would die.” to "That would be the ruination of a false reputation; my shame would die; I would start to heal and really learn how to fly". I pray today for a friend unknown,the knowledge of his will,and the next right step for me on this journey home. God Bless

Anonymous said...

I do think it is important to stress that 'secret sins' are NOT public fodder. Cofession needs to be made in a healthy, supportive environment, and not on a billboard on Main Street.
We need confession, we have to have it to move through God's pull on us into His grace. We just need to remember that confession isn't the same thing as telling the National Enquirer.

Anonymous said...

ed woods promised himself that he would teach his son tiger two things:course management and mental toughness. he has written:'one day when tiger was two, we were on the second hole at the navy golf course. he had hit his ball into the trees. what are you going to do tiger? the boy replied, 'i can't hit the ball over all those trees, daddy, they're too tall. well, what else could you do' i asked? 'i can hit it between those trees, but i've got to keep it down. and there's a big sand twap [sic]'. 'ok, what else can you do?' tiger looked to the left and said, 'i can hit my ball out onto the fairway, hit my next shot onto the green, and one- put for a par.' i said ' son, that is course management. tiger went on to manage not only the course but tournaments. on friday of the 1996 walt disney world orlando classic, tiger read the sports page and then calmly announced 'pop, got to shoot 63 today. that's what it will take to get into it. pop replied' so go do it.' when he returned later in the day pop asked, 'whaddya shoot?' tiger calmly replied, 'sixty three'.

'if you want to heal a damaged relationship, you must do what tiger woods did to win his tournaments: decide what you want and then determine how to manage your course.' (in the end that didn't work too well, did it?)

the preceding is a quote from Living Successfully With Screwed-Up People, chapter 4. i am a very screwed up person myself. secrets never ever remain hidden. the longer secrets are held onto the more destructive they are to ourselves and to others. secrets are like untreated bullet wounds. they fester, become infected, gangrenous, and eventually limbs get amputated with no anesthetic; the death that we think we are avoiding overtakes us anyway and it is painful. secrets will land us where tiger is now. my secrets ruined five marriages, and nearly destroyed three families over four decades.

the best antidote for secrets? read matthew, mark, luke and john straight through [no not all at once]. leave out the commentaries, the word studies, the christian self-help books, the specialized subject books, the 'how to study the bible' books, the 'what Jesus really meant' books [of making many books, there is no end, and much study is a weariness of the flesh. the end of the matter; all has been heard. fear G-d, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man. for G-d will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil. [before anyone cries 'lets not be legalistic' check out john 15:7-11] come face to face with Jesus. He came for the sick; He came for me-and you. He is all about commuting our sentence of death, and calling us to community service. and yes, i am in the process of the very thing i suggest.while i am a work in progress, His words hit home with layers not yet dealt with. Jesus is truth. in truth is freedom [john 8:31-32] a.'nanny'mouse

Hzjewl said...

I think that once you let go of the end of the rope, there is not much anyone can confess that would lead to ruin of a reputation. By that time there probably is no reputation to ruin.

"Hey Rocky" said...

self centered fear and shame based thought process. If they knew mefor who I really am they wouldnt love me. So I will pretend the habits I cannot quit are not there. Sad truth is most know our addiction before we know we have one.

Cant believe anyone here would know anything about this type of stuff. Wonder how that guy got my old thoughts and put into an email. Must be magic. Just kidding.

OK so when my addicted world crashed and I could no longer live that life anymore how could I get help as I feared I would lose everything that I knew in my life. I just knew my wife would leave once I disclosed my behaviors to her, i knew I would lose half my assets,my dogs,job,respect of others that I didnt have. I knew, i knew , I knew NOTHING!!!!!! All said and done the only thing I lost was my job while in treatment and had the interview of the job I now have 5.5 years later that pays twice as much as my old under employed job did. I also lost my active addiction and found freedom and my wife gained a husband that could finally love. My point is in active addiction we think we know everything, even know what people are thinking, yada yada when in fact its all made up in our sick little self centered minds! Our sick minds got us in the mess and usually will not get us out without the help of others. God please cure us of our arrogance and while you are at it help me spell better.

Love you guys and was wondering when T was going to stir the pot. Blogsville was turning into a pure devotional void of any participation.

moose said...

Maybe we need confession before we even know God or His grace? Thats what sponsors, mentors and therapist are for. Without getting honest we aint got no chance. Safe people are not a dime a dozen Forget the wino on the street corner he is actually an undercover cop and will bust you.

Test the waters with small stuff and see how they react. Listen to their story does it make sense do you relate? Test the waters some more.

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