February 11

Scripture focus:
Because of this decision we don't evaluate people by what they have or how they look. We looked at the Messiah that way once and got it all wrong, as you know. We certainly don't look at him that way anymore. Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons! Look at it! All this comes from the God who settled the relationship between us and him, and then called us to settle our relationships with each other. God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing. We're Christ's representatives. God uses us to persuade men and women to drop their differences and enter into God's work of making things right between them. We're speaking for Christ himself now: Become friends with God; he's already a friend with you. 2 Corinthians 5:16-20 MSG

“I would love to think that I could be forgiven for my sins. But you don’t understand – my sins are really really bad. A just God would never forgive me – I can’t forgive myself and don’t think I deserve forgiveness.”

My friend lives far, far away from our little community, but she is not alone. Many of us struggle with coming to understand how God can forgive us for our very great and dark offenses.

As I sent scripture verses winging through cyber-space about God’s mercy and grace, I eventually received this reply: “I was snorkeling the other day, and had what I think you would call a “God moment. It occurred to me that my resistance to accepting God’s forgiveness was very arrogant. As I was looking at the beauty of God’s creation, it was as if God spoke to me (not in an audible voice, I’m not crazy) and said, ‘Do you really think anything you could do, right or wrong, is more powerful than me?’ I get it, at least for the moment. God’s forgiveness is more about who he is than what I did!”

This may sound weird, but in some ways this young woman’s heart cry of feeling unforgiven and unforgivable turned out to be an excuse for inaction. As long as she could feel unforgiven, she felt no responsibility to do the next right thing.
She’s using her fresh start to make appropriate amends and wrestle with what it means to be a Christ representative. I’m so appreciative of her willingness to listen to God. I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you the rest of the story. She continues to struggle with feeling unforgiven. But she is practicing living a forgiven life. No longer is she allowing how she feels to be her internal compass. She has stepped up to the plate and made a conscious decision to trust God.
May we follow her lead!

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Anonymous said...

"...But you don’t understand – my sins are really really bad. A just God would never forgive me – I can’t forgive myself and don’t think I deserve forgiveness.” we don't understand? actually, we do. justice is not just, if not tempered and balanced with mercy/forgiveness in man's domain. "judge thy neighbor indulgently, and charitably. judge no one before thou art in his position." (s. levy) james tells us that mercy triumphs over judgment. Jesus tells us ,judge not... (mt.7) and that includes judging ourselves. Jesus was sent by the Father to bring us into the fullness of an abundant life. G-d's mercy blots out our transgressions (psalms 51:1) "the stedfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies, they never come to an end..." psalms 136 is all about the endurance of His stedfast love, over and over and over-to us. everyone of us is forgiven/released when we turn from our way, and give up our inadequate view of balance between good and evil. G-d is all about life, healing, and restoration on a grand scale that is far beyond our comprehension. i think we see G-d's love like the surface of a kid's wading pool, where we might get a little wet from being splashed. i think G-d's love is like a group of tsunamis, coupled with volcanic eruptions, and a number of earthquakes all happening at the same time. His love is engulfing. let go. stop trying to pay your debt. all you have to live in is today. not yesterday, not tomorrow. just ask Him to show you the next right step. a.'nanny'mouse

snowman said...

Hey mouse, great point about our spiritual arrogance.
Good stuff Dude keep it coming.

I Might be Wrong said...

I read this yesterday and it has been ringing in my head since."fear G-d, and keep His commandments; for this is the whole duty of man". Fear God is this a message for a person unwilling to follow God? Once we become willing and are working to be who He created us to be, are we still to fear? If the message is God is always there for us, why fear? My head is not always the safest place to be, what I hear is: Fear God fear me as I was created to be like Him or Love God Love me as I was created to be like Him. Do I get to pick ? The struggle continues.... Today I pray for the understanding of His will and the ability to do the next right thing. Gotta love "a mouse" in the house..God Bless

Anonymous said...

fear G-d, not as in 'be afraid', but as in respect, and in respect there is trust, and in trust there is love. in my past, i thought that if i were experiencing pain in my circumstances, that G-d wasn't being G-d. the hate in my heart and the things i said to G-d (and those around me) were defiling in the extreme. i was all about me. i was bitter, jealous, full of selfish ambition, and had no respect for His 'awesomeness', or His love for others, and His desire that i might be a 'vessel' to pour out His love for/to/on others . 'keeping' His commandments for me in this moment of time is directly proportional to my surrender, and His doing in me what I cannot possibly do in myself. that He would love me so much, that He would give me a heart of flesh for my heart of stone after all my rebellion, and after all the injuries i inflicted on those , His creation, all around me in the process is incredible. if my observations (about where i am now, about what I think He is doing in me, about how i see Him) are helpful, good. if not, don't wrestle with them. after all, i might be wrong as well. as far as spiritual arrogance? i can say of myself that my pride is an attempt on my part to mask what i see as my failings. i can say that of no one else. "who am [I] to pass judgment on the servant of another? it is before her/his own master that she/he stands or falls. and she/he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make her/him stand." (romans 14:4)a.'nanny'mouse

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