Day 269 – After the criticism

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: So Jesus explained himself at length. “I’m telling you this straight. The Son can’t independently do a thing, only what he sees the Father do. What the Father does, the Son does. The Father loves the Son and includes him in everything he is doing.” John 5:19-20 The Message

After Jesus made the decision to heal the sick man on the Sabbath, he took a lot of heat for his decision. In the beginning, it was an indirect hit. They began by picking on the cripple. Sick for thirty-eight years, healed by Jesus in a second – none of us would argue that the guy did the right thing. Instructed by Jesus to pick up his bedroll and walk – this man followed his instructions. But the Jewish people took umbrage with this choice because evidently you don’t carry your bedroll around on the Sabbath.

When the Jews found out that Jesus was the cause for all this bad behaving and rule breaking, they attacked him. Jesus defended himself. This fueled their flame of indignation and NOW they wanted to kill him! The passage continues with, “So Jesus explained himself at length…” Jesus isn’t in the habit of feeling the need to explain himself all the time. So when Jesus starts explaining, my ears perk up.

The first really important truth Jesus speaks about is his connection with the Father. (The book, The Shack, does an amazing job teaching this same point in fiction form. If you haven’t already, you may want to read this awesome little book!) Jesus clearly states that he doesn’t run around acting independent of his Father. Intimately connected, Jesus follows his Father’s lead.

I bet people give you plenty of feedback – whether solicited or not. I can soooo relate!

Here’s what I do when this happens to me.

I remember the words of Jesus. He always acts in concert with his Father. He’s obviously learned the unforced rhythms of grace, and he dances to that tune. We can follow his lead. As the Father led the Son, the Son leads us. Jesus has explained himself at length – not because he’s insecure and defensive, not because he is a people-pleaser. So why did he bother to explain? I suspect it was to show us the way to the abundant life.

People will often express opinions about our life choices. Some advice will be timely and wise. Other times it’ll be meddling. But always always always – it is excellent advice to follow the Son.

If the definition of sin is – living independently of God, then the abundant life must be – learning the unforced rhythms of grace as we follow our Master. May you press on in your pilgrimage, led by the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Recommended reading: Isaiah 49 and 50 in the morning; Psalm 47 and Proverbs 24 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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