Day 271 – A sense of urgency

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: “It’s urgent that you get this right: The time has arrived – I mean right now!” John 5:25 The Messge

Sometimes tomorrow never comes.

I have a friend who understands the truth of this more than most. Anytime I encourage us to be patient with ourselves, and focus on the process more than perfection, he gives me a loving but gentle reproof. My friend wants you to know that sometimes we don’t have another relapse in us. We probably shouldn’t count too heavily on a second chance.

He’s right. He’s right because sometimes we lose our opportunity to choose.

* The spouse who gives little regard to their family, and one day wakes up and their family has little regard for them.

* The child who defies all the rules and then doesn’t feel equipped to live with the consequences of his or her actions.

* A person who squanders their gifts, talents, and resources only to discover that all were limited resources, only available for a season – and the season has passed them by.

My friend is not only right for the reasons he lists, which are all related to loss but also because sometimes we miss the big win. It’s not always about what we lose, sometimes it’s about what we fail to gain. I desire for us to make haste for a different reason. I fear that if we aren’t intentional in our pace, we will miss opportunities and big dreams.

* Perhaps you dream of writing a novel, a screen play, song lyrics, or poetry. Your dreams might include other forms of creative expression like painting or sculpting or making beautiful music.

* Dreams might include a spouse – with or without children.

* Maybe you want to make a difference in the world through financial generosity to causes near to your heart.

* You may want to challenge your physical body to its limits.

* I suppose you could even have an ill-formed dream. You hope to leave this world a better place than you found it upon our arrival – but you have no clue how to go about leaving your mark.

* It’s possible that you want to rid yourself of some pesky habit that is holding you back. You see the potential, but you’re aware of a problem that stands between you and your big dream.

If we want to move from being a big dreamer to big dream fulfiller, we must deliberately, proactively, steadily walk toward the light. Don’t be a person with big dreams but no heart for the mission! Could this be the day and time for you to move forward in your life? If so, follow Jesus. Allow him to lead you out of darkness, into his wonderful light.

Recommended reading: Isaiah 54 and 55in the morning; Isaiah 56 and 57 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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