Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Day 249 - Gentleness

Scripture focus:  But the fruit of the Spirit is…gentleness…Galatians 5:22-23

Gentleness – chrestotes – “to show kindness or to be friendly to others and often depicted rulers, governors, or people who were kind, mild , and benevolent to their subjects…compassionate, considerate, sympathetic, humane, kind or gentle…God’s incomprehensible kindness for people who are unsaved” (July25th, Sparkling Gems from the Greek).

According to Rick Renner’s research, scholars report that the gift of gentleness conveys the idea of being “adaptable to others.”  I love that idea.  It’s the ability to meet others needs without always demanding that it fit our schedule, needs and desires. 

In yesterday’s devotional, I mentioned this three day holiday I have scheduled.  When I’m away from home over part of a weekend, I must call upon the kindness of others to help make this happen.  My friend, Joe, had agreed to deliver the message at our Sunday morning celebration experience.  But I made plans to pre-record a video message for our Saturday night meeting.  As the time for departure drew near, it became apparent to me that preparing and taping this message was going to be extremely difficult.  So I asked Joe if he’d take the Saturday slot too.  He readily and gently agreed.

I had completely forgotten that we originally planned for me to tape Saturday night’s message for a reason.  Joe had a ball game to attend that night.  In the intervening months, this fact had escaped my memory.  Still, my friend chose to adapt to my perceived needs and desires without much regard to his own.  This is the gift of gentleness. 

I appreciate Joe’s willingness to sacrifice his plans for my need.  But what I absolutely am astounded at, and will forever remember, is the gentleness with which he compassionately, considerately, sympathetically, humanely – set aside his own schedule, needs and desires.  May we all receive God’s gift of adaptability to others!

Recommended reading: Song of Songs 1, 2 in the morning; Song of Songs 3, 4 in the evening


Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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