Day 255 - Self-Control

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: But the fruit of the Spirit is…temperance/self-control/able to marshal and direct our energies wisely…Galatians 5:22 Self-control – enkrateia – in control, power over one’s self; control or restraint of one’s passions, appetites and desires. (Paraphrase from Renner’s devotional of July 27th, Sparkling Gems from the Greek)

Have you noticed how many of these fruit-words have an element of control over one’s self in their definition? I’ve also noticed that several of the words reference anger. This is shocking to me. Somewhere along the line I figured that once I matured as a follower of Christ, I’d get over the emotion of anger all together! Boy was I naïve!

In our recovery community, one of the important principles we try to practice in all our affairs is the concept of powerlessness. It’s very important (if we want to transform our lives) that we understand the nature of our own willfulness. If we’re relying on willpower and self-control to sustain transformation – forget about it! It won’t happen! All sorts of psychologists, self-help experts and diet gurus tell us that willpower is not a proven or effective life skill – if we expect to maintain our steely determination long term. It works for awhile, but eventually, our willpower wilts!

I suppose that’s why the fruit of the Spirit is such a blessing. Given to us by God, it has less to do with us and much more to do with who God is and what he wants to accomplish in and through and with us. It’s true. We can choose to refuse the gift. And if we do, we lose the opportunity to experience what the gift would provide us.

How do we access this powerful gift? The scripture is clear - when we live God’s way… He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way that fruit appears in an orchard…

So now we get it. God provides us with things like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. But we have a part in this story too. More on that tomorrow.

Recommended reading: Isaiah 10 and 11 in the morning; Psalm 42 and 43 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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