Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Day 248 - Patience

Scripture focus: But the fruit of the Spirit is…patience/longsuffering…Galatians 5:22

Patience – in the New King James Version, it’s translated longsuffering – from the Greek word makrothumia, a compound word meaning – anger, swelling emotions or strong and growing passion that is long, distant, far, remote, of long duration; the patient restraint of anger, forbearance

“I just feel so terrible! I know I’m not supposed to feel angry about this!” I can’t count how many people have expressed guilt over their anger to me. And yet, stuck right in the middle of a bundle of God-given, gift-bestowed fruit – we discover makrothumia.

Before we rush to the patience part of this word. Before we get weighed down with the expectation of restraint – remember, thumos, a tiny Greek word that is often translated ‘anger’. Embedded in all that forbearance is the heart of the matter – it’s when we are experiencing thumos that we so desperately require the gift of makrothumia.

Ironically enough, in the midst of studying these awesome gifts, I’m experiencing personal distress. I have big plans for this week, including three days of vacation to attend an event that I’ve wanted to witness in person for most of my adult life. To my way of thinking, it’s my one shot at this particular grand epic adventure. And I’m stoked!

But other, far more important and serious circumstances have arisen that might prevent me from taking these three days to play. And that’s fine – at least that’s what I thought - until my battery died. I’m sitting in a parking lot, waiting on one of my children, having my quiet time, and enjoying the gentle breeze that slips into my car from the open sunroof. I’m in the middle of my daily bible reading, and feel fully engaged with what I’m learning. Soon, my boy finishes his appointment and plops down in the seat beside me. Setting aside my study supplies, I casually turn the key in the ignition. I fully expect, and quite frankly, believe I deserve for my car to start. It does not. I won’t bore you with the details of what happens next. But suffice it to say that a series of unfortunate events – including getting yelled at by a 411 operator – which I can assure you was completely unprovoked – soon revealed the true state of my heart.

After handling the situation, I now find myself in a state of thumos. And I tell God how I feel. I tell him directly and clearly, “Lord, three lousy stinking days is all I wanted this summer. That’s all I asked for. Three lousy stinking days to play. And now, I may not have those days. It’s my choice, and I know it. But you and I both know that my decisions are constrained by living life Your way. And I’m mad about it. I feel cheated! I want, for three lousy stinking days to have my way. I want my way. But not my will, but yours be done. I mean it. I am still mad. But more than that, I’m committed. Because I remember, better to have it your way than mine. And, it would probably be a really good idea if you express ship me an extra dose of makrothumia right about now, or things could get ugly around here.” As I write this, I don’t know how this particular story will end. I may choose wisely or poorly. I don’t know. It may be years before the rightness or the wrongness of my decision is revealed to me. And although I know it isn’t my job to do well, I feel the burden of deciding how to live well in the midst of this circumstance. But I also know - “… it is God who works in you (me) to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13 NIV) – what a relief!

Recommended reading: Ecclesiastes 10, 11 in the morning; Ecclesiastes 12 and 2 Corinthians 8 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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