Day 348 – God’s Timeless Truths

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: When the eighth day arrived, the day of circumcision, the child was named Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived. Luke 2:21 The Message

I was having a discussion with a group of strangers about the study of scripture. A couple of people thought it was a great idea to read the bible on a regular basis. One guy thought it was a big waste of time. His perspective is that God reveals himself in other ways – a point I agree with – and so why read a book as old as the bible? A lady standing nearby chimed in and suggested that perhaps reading the New Testament was a good idea – but the Old Testament was way too outdated to be of any consequence in today’s modern times.

Although I agree that God is quite capable of communicating with us in various ways and at any time he sees fit – for me, the daily reading of scripture is a spiritual discipline that I’m not willing to abandon. I also happen to think that there is value in the studying of both testaments – old and new.

I admit it – some of those Old Testament books require some fortitude to get through. But even in them, I have found some priceless gems. I particularly love how the Old Testament kind of paves the way for the reader to truly appreciate the New Testament.

It’s really amazing to think that the birth of Christ was predicted many years prior to his conception.

So as you’re thinking about how you’re going to spend your time in ’09, I want to throw something out there for your consideration. To fully appreciate a sentence like when the eighth day arrived, the day of circumcision, the child was named Jesus, the name given by the angel before he was conceived – sometimes it helps to know the history behind the fulfillment of this event.

It’s my prayer that we will each be filled with a thirst for more….more information, knowledge, discernment and wisdom. I pray that we will hunger and thirst for more than solutions to our current dilemmas – I pray that we acquire an unquenchable need to know God better. I pray that we seek to know what he knows (as much as he’s willing to tell us at least), and love what he loves. I pray that we care about the things God cares about, and nurture the things God wants to flourish. I pray that we will become less concerned about creature comforts and become more caring about God’s creatures. Lord, may it be so for us and our children and our children’s children – down through the generations. May we become a people who peer intently into your word – not just to find what we need for ourselves, but to equip us to help others live better too. Amen

Recommended reading: Jonah 2 and 3 in the morning; Jonah 4 and Revelation 5 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If we have not read the BOOK how do we know what God desires of us? Seems like we could and many of did fall for anything that might be easy ,convienent or our will instead of His will.

Peace and goodwill to all.


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