Day 351 – Proud Papa

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: The servant grew up before God—a scrawny seedling, a scrubby plant in a parched field. There was nothing attractive about him, nothing to cause us to take a second look. He was looked down on and passed over, a man who suffered, who knew pain firsthand. One look at him and people turned away. We looked down on him, thought he was scum. Isaiah 53:2-3 The Message

I was sitting in my ob-gyn’s office listening (ok, I was eavesdropping) to a fascinating conversation about genetic engineering. Next to me sat a young couple who were preparing their list of questions for the doc. Evidently, the husband was exceedingly curious about how to make a boy baby. I tried very hard not to laugh out loud. I also felt very old.

Twenty six years ago our first born daughter was born; a few years later our second born son arrived. A lot of years later we received our third gift – another boy. Would we have predicted that our daughter would be as fascinated by all things sports related as her father? Could we have projected into the future, knowing that one day she would follow in her daddy’s footsteps with a knack for numbers? And what about that boy baby – who would have known that late at night, he and I sit up and talk about how to increase our effectiveness at getting out the message of hope to hurting people? Who would have known that one day he would travel all the way across the country to sit at the feet of men and women who have forgotten more stuff about our particular spiritual passions than either one of us may ever learn? And what about that baby? Who could have predicted the joy his presence would have brought into our “perfect” little family of four – two parents, one boy and one girl – the ability with two to play man-on-man defense. Once that third one arrived – it was all about learning how to play zone! This young couple doesn’t get it. Sons and daughters are not determined by X or Y chromosomes or even DNA. Sons and daughters are born out of shared passions, values, and common interests. Sometimes the best way to create family is to choose who you want to live with you in your hut. I love my families – those born into, those married into, and those picked simply because we could. But in none of these families, would the average Joe think to pick a scrawny seedling, a scrubby plant out of parched field…except for maybe Charlie Brown…or someone in possession of a sturdy pair of God-vision goggles! If I hadn’t lost my nerve, I would have told this young couple that they may have big dreams now about hair and eye color, gender preferences, and unique talents. They may dream of birthing a prodigy in music, or a math whiz, or even an athlete of Olympian proportions. But on the day they receive their bundle of joy – none of that will matter. If they’ve got a lick of sense, they’ll love their baby whether born the “standard way” or presented as a gift from God in a more untraditional fashion. They won’t care if the baby is strapping or scrawny, black or white, musical or not, fast or slow, smart or not quite able to memorize the eighteen times tables by the time he (or she) is six. Oh no – when you are given the gift of a child – the world may never take a second look – but you, as a parent, will never ever be able to tear your eyes away. The world may pass them over, but you’ll have a very hard time letting them go. If they feel pain, we’ll feel it worse. Others may look down on them, but a parent can’t help but look up – praising God for the miraculous gift of life and the wonderful privilege of caring for one of his kids for awhile. Just so you don’t forget – I want you to remember rightly – as a kid of The King – this is how proud God is of you – his baby. Maybe that’s why Jesus came wrapped in such a strange package – to remind us of our value to God, even if we fail to measure up to the standards of this world. May you see yourself as God does – and marvel at his handiwork!

Recommended reading: Nahum 1 and 2 in the morning; Nahum 3 and Revelation 8 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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