Day 17 - Tearing Down What God Builds Up

Scripture focus:
"But you are my witnesses." God's Decree. "You're my handpicked servant so that you'll come to know and trust me, understand both that I am and who I am. Previous to me there was no such thing as a god, nor will there be after me. I, yes I, am God. I'm the only Savior there is. I spoke, I saved, I told you what existed long before these upstart gods appeared on the scene. And you know it, you're my witnesses, you're the evidence." God's Decree. "Yes, I am God. I've always been God and I always will be God. No one can take anything from me. I make; who can unmake it?" Isaiah 43:10-12 One of the common characteristics of people who forget who they are – children of God – is a propensity to think in a way that tears down. Look at the examples below, and see if any apply to you. When I lose my way I….
  • react to the false belief that I am terminally unique and the world is out to get me. I feel justified when I “stick it to the man.” Do you react as if the world is out to get you?
  • falsely believe that I must succeed, then I feel it is okay to judge others and defend myself. I enjoy “sticking it to the man.” Do you care more about feeling successful than helping others succeed?
  • think it is reasonable to: analyze every person and situation based on my past experiences, use my past experiences to justify how I label and grade others, grab for what I want because I believe in the law of scarcity, and attack any perceived threat. I am good at “sticking it to the man.” Do you spend more time grabbing than giving?
  • have a bias that assumes that my perceptions are always right and so am I. I need to hold onto this belief, because I need to be perfect. Do you have trouble accepting your own limitations?
  • attack and defend to keep myself safe. Do you feel lonely?
  • believe the past and future are more real than the present. Do you confuse others by unconsciously relating to others based on your past?
What’s wrong with defending ourself? Nothing - except for the fact that when we take on that job, we’re playing God. God is our ultimate defender. Personally, I think he probably is better at defending me than I am at defending myself. Sometimes what we call defending ourselves is really a defensive, judgmental spirit designed to keep us in denial about ourselves AND prevent positive change. Think about Jesus. He was able to appropriately deal with the attack of his Enemy without violating God’s command to love and respect others. We don’t see Jesus scuffling with Satan or sticking out his tongue. He doesn’t return taunts with angry retorts. Jesus keeps his eyes focused on the goal –a plan that never involves “sticking it to the man.”

Recommended reading:
Matthew 1-2

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