June 16 -
Grow up

Scripture focus: "In a word, what I'm saying is, Grow up. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you." Matthew 5:48 (The Message)

Growing up is not about learning how to behave.

Growing up requires that we decide to believe.

What must we commit to believing?

We believe that God lives generously toward us.

We believe that God is gracious.

We believe that our identity is God-created, and when he said that his creation of humanity was, "very good," he meant it!

Go believe. As we believe we'll mature.

Recommended reading: Joshua 1-3

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NorthStar Community


I Might be Wrong said...

In the blog today in see the choices I make everyday.I choose to believe. I choose to believe that God is gracious. I choose to believe God is who the Bible shows us he is.I choose to believe I am worthy of Gods love even in my darkest places.I choose everyday to improve my conscious contact with God.I know everyday it becomes less of a choice and more of a belief.I have known God was all these things, but I did not start to mature and transform until I started believing God was all these things.Today I ask. Am I living my life as who God says I am or who I believed me to be?

Anonymous said...

i think that's called holy living

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