November 23

Scripture focus: Generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Psalm 145:16

While we’re on the subject of God’s character, scripture also tells us that he is generous to a fault and loves to lavish favor on all creatures. When I was little, I had the mistaken impression that God was on the verge of bankruptcy – and my offering was essential to saving his kingdom.

Seriously, God encourages us to give and do so generously and cheerfully.

But it is not intended as a bribe to a mafia-esque god!

God enjoys our giving because he delights when we live out our true, God-created identity. In the area of all things generous, God goes first. He invites us to join him in the fun of living a life of lavish loving.

This aspect of God’s character will be a tough concept to accept if we believe that resources are scarce, and we better grab what we can get while we can.

Imagine with me for a moment, a world where people so trusted God with their every need that they never held back in their generosity toward others. What if we became so aware of God on the outside that we couldn’t wait to embrace the work he was doing?

Could we feed the hungry?

Could we house the homeless?

Could we provide healthcare for those who couldn't afford it themselves?

I don’t know – but we sure could try!

When our insides get put right – and we realize that God cares for us and meets our every need, we will find ways to serve God on the outside – not because we have to, or should, or ought, or fear his wrath if we don’t – but because we’ll see our true, God-created selves and want to express generosity and favor to all creatures, like our daddy does.

Recommended reading: Jeremiah 12 - 16

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