Day 310 – Blind Faith

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 NIV

Scott’s giving me a day off. Let’s join him in the midst of a multi-day devotional conversation.…

If faith is believing in what we do not see, then the implication is that we won’t be able to see the object of our faith. I totally understand that point – at least I thought I did until I found myself jobless in California. I realize that if God wanted me to understand everything then he would have provided me with the means to do so. I’m not the kind of guy who sits around wondering about the meaning of life or how many angels can dance on the head of a pin. I’m looking for a job! So this “coming to believe in a God who can restore me to sanity” isn’t some philosophical discussion. I need to know – can I trust God even when my expectations of what that means are seemingly frustrated?

I realize that if God provided me with the ability to know everything about him and his ways, then there would be no faith dimension to my belief. I would simply believe in him the same way we believe in George Washington or any other historical figure we read about in books.

My point is this: God intentionally withholds information about himself. This requires me to be invested in a relationship in addition to demanding new levels of trust the likes of which I have never experienced before.

I still don’t have a job. I continue to submit applications to clothing stores and specialty shops. The entire process has been quite humbling. Each rejection, failed acknowledgement of receiving my application for employment, and ad posting looking for a pretty girl instead of, well, me - is an opportunity to get down on myself and question my worth. (Is it even legal to advertise for a pretty blond girl to do office work? I don’t think so…but I digress.) I came out here with what I thought were credentials; what I’m left with is an opportunity to practice my faith. More on living my grand epic adventure – unemployed – in tomorrow’s devotional.

Recommended reading: Ezekiel 14 and 15 in the morning; Ezekiel 16 and Hebrews 8 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We get it you want a job....get in line with the other 10 million that are looking too..Jobs are like everything else, we prepare and it happens in His time not ours. I lost my job while treatment many years ago. That job required travel which would not have been good for initial recovery. Three days later there was a message on the answering machine for an interview. No travel and a 60% raise. I have that job today. The God thing here is the former manager that hired me wife's worked where I banked and we got to talking and she gave me her husbands business card. I submitted a resume by email and never heard a word. He wouldn't return my phone calls.The call came TWO YEARS LATER while I was in treatment. Yep, it's a God thing. What does not kill us usually makes us stronger by building character. Character comes from perservering through these trials. Our Father wants us tried and tested. Guess I bypassed the choir and am preaching to the preachers son. America, I love it. And God loves your unemployed left coast self too. Warmest Regards and with the love of a brother in Christ ...Chip

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