Day 326 – Satisfaction Requires Effort

Having a Heart in a Sometimes Heartless World

Scripture focus: Watch what God does, and then you do it, like children who learn proper behavior from their parents. Ephesians 5:1 The Message

Now this is tough, but true: we don’t pick what satisfies us, ask God to deliver it, and then receive the package like a gift from Santa.

The satisfying life is the learned life. It’s the experience of learning by watching. We watch what God does, and then we do it. That’s how kids learn.

So when Jesus came and did what God did – we learn some amazing things.

Jesus didn’t come to break a bunch of rules, but to fulfill the highest objective of those rules. So we follow him. We obey our earthly authorities – not because we always agree with the rules, but because Jesus said – “respect your earthly authority.”

When Jesus says love and pray for our enemies – this is uncomfortable, but necessary. And we get with our community and try to figure out what the heck that heavy duty command means.

God also instructs us in parenting, marriage, finance, employer/employee relations, and a host of other principles we’re learning how to practice in all our affairs. But remember – we’re learning to follow, not to avoid punishment. There’s a difference. Followers follow because they love their leader. Fearful people try to figure out how to live in a way to avoid punishment from those they feel have the “power” to condemn. That’s compliance.

We follow because that’s what kids do – they follow their dad. They do it because they love their daddy and want to grow up to be like him. They do it to fulfill their destiny.

Recommended reading: Ezekiel 44 and 45 in the morning; 1 Peter 1 and Psalm 99 in the evening

Copyright 2008 NorthStar Community

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