Day 28

Scripture focus:
Now then, my sons, listen to me; pay attention to what I say. Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. Proverbs 7:24-25 NIV

One of the skill differentiators between healthy and unwell families is the use of boundaries. Boundaries are best used with flexibility. Unfortunately, many of us either have too rigid or too diffuse boundaries.

Suppose grandma falls and breaks her hip. If she has too rigid boundaries, she tells everyone that she is fine and refuses all help. Too diffuse and she calls up her daughter in Poughkeepsie and says, “Sweetie, the time has come. I need you to leave your job, your husband, your seven children and three dogs, come to Richmond and take care of me. This is your duty. I’ll have my friend Nancy pick you up at the train station at three. Please wear that lovely blue suit I gave you for your birthday – you are completely helpless when it comes to fashion.”

Boundaries help our heart stay true to its calling.

Boundaries help us not wander over onto someone else’s path.

How are your boundaries? Might this be a subject worth exploring?

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