December 18

Scripture focus:
Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place. Psalm 51:6

I learned a hard lesson this year.

I learned that once in awhile I am better at speaking truth than living it.

I learned that once in a great while it turns out I lived the truth and didn't realize it at the time.

I learned that I am more likely to be at peace in any circumstance when my inside and outside world match.

I learned that whether or not I am experiencing the feeling of peace or a perfect awareness of the truth, God desires truth and wisdom in my heart.

I am learning to trust God with me.

I am curious to know what you've learned this year…anyone care to share on the blog?

Recommended reading: 1 John 1 – 5; 2 John 1

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NorthStar Community


I Might be Wrong said...

The last twelve months have been a journey changing time. The path has not changed very much, the way I have learned to walk it, understand it, share it is what has. What I have learned about me this year:

for me it is more important to focus on character devolopment than where I fit in the story.

my children need me for less the things I think and more of the things I know nothing about.

Community is a participation sport can not be played from a distance.

It is more important who is inside my hut than who my hut protects me from.

I am not the husband, father, friend or person I thought I was, I can become the husband, father, friend and person HE created me to be.

My Intentions say nothing, my words say something, My actions say everything.

I have found that 20 years clean is not the same as 20 years recovered. There is no credit for time served.

The difference between hurt and harm, when it happens to me and more importantly when I do it to someone else.

I am eating the word for the first time and trying to improve my understand of who HE is.

I am trusting God more with me each day, and learning to let go without a string, and finding a reasonible comfort in my life.

I am learning more thay I can share here, and have prefected none of it. I am willing to learn more about me everyday by learning about Him, The one that was sent for me to believe in. I have been blessed to live in a community for 4 years that love me enough to tell me the uncomfortable truths about myself so as I may become comfortable with myself. I pray you all have a safe and joyous Christmas season, and give yourself a break as there is no perfect Christmas's or Christmas presents, this has only taken 40 plus years to learn.
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas to "I Might Be Wrong"!!

Anonymous said...

I loved these phrases from IMBW's commentary:

1. Community is a participation sport can not be played from a distance.

2. It is more important who is inside my hut than who my hut protects me from.

3. My Intentions say nothing, my words say something, My actions say everything.

Thanks for sharing from your heart.

This year I am not humble enough. I'm usually full of me and my own thoughts (which never get me anywhere good). When I just get out of the way, God does amazing things. That's my biggest lesson this year. Getting out of my head and into God's will.

Did I mention how hard that is? :)

Anonymous said...

"he who is estranged seeks pretext to break out of all sound judgment. a fool takes no pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion." [proverbs 18:1-2]

"do not crave to know the views of others, nor base your intent thereon."

"truth resides in every human heart and one has to search for it there and to be guided by truth as one sees it. yet no one has the right to coerce others to act according to his own view of truth."

"like snow in summer or rain in harvest, so honor is not fitting for a fool." "like a lame man's legs, which hang useless, is a proverb in the mouth of fools." "for lack of wood the fire goes out and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases." [proverbs 26:1,7,20]

'i said "i will guard my ways, that i may not sin with my tongue; i will bridle my mouth..." [psalms 39:1]

"it is a bad habit to say that another man's thoughts are bad and ours alone are good, and that those holding different views from ours are the enemies."

"a fools lips bring strife and his mouth invites a flogging." [proverbs 18:6]

"who are you to pass judgment on the servant of another? it is before his own Master that he stands or falls. and he will be upheld, for the Master is able to make him stand." [romans 14:4]

these are a few of the notes i jotted down on note cards over the past six months. i keep the cards handy during my quiet time in the morning when i read and reflect. they are reminders to me of how i have so often failed to bridle my tongue in times past. so james notes, "how great a forest is set ablaze by a small fire. and the tongue is a fire...with it we bless the Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who are made in the likeness of G-d. from the same mouth come blessing and cursing. my brethren, this ought not to be so." [james 3:5-6,9-10]

i try to fall silent as often as possible, and to listen. i desire to see others as G-d sees them; and to respond to others as much as possible as i think G-d would; as much as my understanding of G-d will allow today, praying that my understanding will grow-and hoping that tomorrow i will see to confess my sins of the day before. a.'nanny'mouse

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