December 24

Scripture focus:
Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed. Proverbs 15:22

It's Christmas Eve, what in the world are you doing reading this? Just kidding!

I pray that if you are having a wonderfully abundant Christmas holiday filled with those you love, that you are able to stay in the moment, appreciating the time spent together even if all the stockings haven't managed to get hung with care.

I also pray for those of us who are alone. Maybe you're wishing you had a Norman Rockwell-style Christmas to celebrate. In the spirit of telling secrets, can I share one with you? There's no such thing as a Norman Rockwell Christmas. Every family has its holiday grinches and ghosts from Christmases-gone-wrong in the past.

Perhaps today would be a good day for all of us –- whether in bliss or blah mode -– to commit ourselves to exploring new and healthier ways to love each other in 2010. Whatever you're experiencing today, chances are it will be different next year – for better or for worse. It will help in all circumstances to have many advisers!

Blessings to you and yours.

Go get those cookies and milk ready for the big guy.

Recommended reading: Ezekiel 35 - 42

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© Copyright 2009
NorthStar Community


Anonymous said...

I really appreciate Teresa remembering the lonely ones among us.

lovedtoo said...

Ditto...what anonymous said. I am in the blahs and struggle every year to find a place for myself!

Chip said...

I am a "fortunite son" as the song goes. I will commit to reaching out to everyone I know that is alone that I have in my phone. I thank all of you for the reminder. I was there one time in my life too. Maybe if we all do this no one will be alone. We are community should anyone be alone other than by choice?

Wishing you all the best as we celebrate the coming of Christ.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes alone is not lonely. Having no family is more peaceful at times. Community is now my family, and someone did reach out to me this year. Having said that, I know how 'anonymous' and 'lovedtoo' feel; I have been lonely at this time of year in the past. Maybe we could have a "mitzvah" project to identify [without embarrassing anyone] those in our community who are alone at this time of year, and fill the need for belonging? 'papillon'

Surfer Dude said...

Pap's, figures you would split hairs or hares regarding lonely and alone. And yes lonely can be a state of mind or a physical reality. So what if everyone in our community went through their cell phone directory and reached out to others that might not be surrounded by family or known friends? Might be a pretty cool exercise and diffenitly would get the caller out of thier head if struggling with the season demons.

Gotta catch a wave.

Surfer Dude

Anonymous said...

figures i would split hares? not really. all i have to give others is my own experience in recovery. in the past, lonely and alone were inseparable. being able to be alone without being lonely, for me, is a hang ten moment, with some goofy footing and tripping thrown in while in the pipeline. you might have been on an outsider, going over the falls or wiping out when you were figuring. is rhonda in your cell phone directory? you might want to call her and ask for help; but the comment about using one's cell phone directory to reach out to others is definitely a 'surf's up' idea. 'papillon'

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