Day 125
Scripture focus: A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly. A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Proverbs 14:29-30 NIV
I appreciate today's scripture focus; it provides clues that help me learn to appreciate the need of limits. In this verse, a patient man is portrayed as one with great understanding. But a quick-tempered man is foolish. In the recovery community, those who've gained experience along the road to recovery have devised a short phrase to help us live within out limits: H.A.L.T. - don't get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. These experienced sojourners get the point - bad things happen when we are under stress.
A patient man can look understanding, because when we are calm and not stressed it's easier to make good choices. A hungry, angry, lonely and tired person tends to be quick-tempered. These two guys might be of equal maturity, character and sincerity - but when stressed, we don't perform at our best.
The proverb makes another great point. Peaceful people have healthier bodies than people who are struggling with negative emotions. Envy is nothing more than a person with a strong craving who believes that someone else has the very thing they crave. They fear the craving will go unfulfilled, and that is aggravating. Hungry, angry, lonely and tired folks are experiencing a "lack" and this often leads one to lust.
Who do we want to present to the world? Our true God-created, patient, peaceful, lively self - or our quick-tempered, foolish, decaying self? If we want to live our life to the fullest, it's more likely to happen as we learn to live within the limitations of our "creatureliness" rather than pushing past these limitations in a misguided attempt to take a short cut to the good life.
Recommended reading: Judges 19 and 20 in the morning; Judges 21 and Proverbs 15 in the evening
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